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Sayonara 09.05.2020

Забавно, проект начал своё существование еще пол года назад, если не больше, за этот промежуток времени
его состав поменялся трижды и результат справился с перво-задачей - случайное взаимодействие со следующей частью каждого участника МЕР'a, чтобы их связать пришлось немного по-химичить. Если говорите о жанре этого творения - я бы назвал это триллером.
Клип не претендует на чёткую сюжетную линию или чего-то в этом роде, но концепция переходов между партами всё же существует, если кому-то интересно что же связывает этих персонажей прошу:
1. Повествование ступенчато(идёт фрагментами).
2. 6 частей - 6 ступеней.
2.1 1-я ступень - город над которым нависла угроза (эдакий "Готэм сити нашего времени").
2.2 2-я ступень - политики и военные в сговоре с преступниками.
2.3 3-я ступень - добавляем немного фантастики, путешествия во времени, главный злодей находится во временном разломе.
2.4 4-я ступень - у главного злодея есть друг-сообщник который так же не против выколоть пару глаз молодой даме.
2.5 5-я ступень - сообщник доигрался.
2.6 6-я ступень - САЙОНАРА, время платить по-долгам.

Проект был не то что бы сложным или долгим, скорее - мозго*бательным, надеюсь найдёт своего зрителя, спасибо тем кто дошёл до конца и тем кто всё же смотрит это.

Аниме: Psycho-pass, Gyakusatsu Kikan, Ghost in the shell arise: border: 2 ghost whispers, Zankyou no terror, Steins:gate, Tamako love story, Tokyo ghoul, Mardock scramble the first comprression, Black lagoon, Sword art online 2
Музыка: Kongos - Repeat after me, Witt Lowry - The rise


Комментарии: 23 |  Рейтинг: 3.653.65
Автор: Envy., VideoBeats, KonstAMV (+3)

POWERIN': A New Symbol of Peace 06.05.2020

"I know no one expects much from me! [...] I know more than anyone else that I'll never beat you! But I must fight you anyway! I'm the only one left! It's not about winning or losing! I just have to stand here and face you!"
- Mumen Rider, the bravest hero of all time.

Saitama hates his job and dreams of a hero life in which he would save people like the greatest hero of the world : AllMight, the number one S-Class hero of the hero association. Animated by a strong will to save people from danger and monsters Saitama decides one day to change his life and to be a hero on its own. Thus he become the Justice Rider, a powerless but fearless hero with a strong will that doesn't hesitate to risk his life for others following the path of its main example : AllMight, the symbol of peace.

From now, Saitama's life will never be the same ...

Аниме: One Punch Man, Boku No Hero Academia
Музыка: Oh The Larency - Man On A Mission

POWERIN' : A New Symbol of Peace

Комментарии: 17 |  Рейтинг: 4.074.07
Автор: Woяthy

ALIUS 06.05.2020

Моя первая попытка кроссовера с легким оттенком хоррора. Идея пришла после Castlevania + моя любимая Persona. А так же помог текст трека. Сюжет старалась сделать замкнутым (конец с началом), надеюсь получилось. Приятного просмотра.

Картинка Making Of (~1.95 MB)

Видео Making Of (Youtube)

Аниме: Persona 5, Castlevania, Assassins Pride, Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul, Babylon, Psycho-Pass, Boogiepop wa Warawanai, Hellsing, Ballroom e Youkoso, Madoka Magica, Dance in the vampire bund, Berserk: Golden Age, Anastasia, Re: zero
Музыка: Phedora - Succubus



Комментарии: 52 |  Рейтинг: 3.823.82
Автор: Ellafaessa

Voyager 05.05.2020

This is my first time participating in big contest!

I'm super excited to present Voyager. It's an amv about change, growing up, and moving on. Kaijuu no Kodomo is a beautiful movie and i had a lot of fun working with it. Apollo by Last Dinosaurs was a song I stumbled upon one day and fell in love with. Hope you enjoy!

Аниме: Kaijuu no Kodomo
Музыка: Last Dinosaurs - Apollo


Комментарии: 14 |  Рейтинг: 3.403.40
Автор: Salt

Heart Sacrifice 05.05.2020

Heart Sacrifice - This is a story of an individual's loss as they learn to reconcile from a tragedy of life and consider the meaning of love, facing the feeling of isolation that comes from the lack of it.

This is my first time entering the contest.

Аниме: Violet Evergarden
Музыка: Fleurie - Hurts Like Hell

Heart Sacrifice

Комментарии: 10 |  Рейтинг: 2.902.90
Автор: Ignatiaus

Night Sky 03.05.2020

After a huge break of 5 months, I finally created a new amv. This one is a friend request ( both the song and the anime ) and I'm not gonna lie, the lyrics fit the anime perfectly but the fast-paced rhythm of the song gave me a challenge. Nevertheless, I took it and I had a lot of fun until the end where the program decided to crash when rendering and giving me bunch of problems. I hope you will enjoy this showcase of the life of a magical girl as much as it is depressing. Sadly, our hero couldn't succeed in saving her witch friends and she got corrupted as well. After all, the best witch is a dead one.
Enjoy my second try in this contest and good luck to everyone! Also don't trust white cats with pink eyes.

Big thanks to Spike, MrSexobeast69 and dvil!

Аниме: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion
Музыка: CHVRCHES - Night Sky

Night Sky

Комментарии: 14 |  Рейтинг: 3.683.68
Автор: tanott

The Abyss 02.05.2020


So... There is this pandemic, what's it called again? Ahh yes, corona virus... So, this vibe got me and I heard the song from Sefa, so I felt the urge to do an AMV...
Because the song is pretty good built up, so I came up with an idea to get a little story or at least something in it.
The anime of choice just came along.

The music genre and this anime are kinda opposite worlds, but if you fiddle a bit around with it, many things can match up.

I think that's it.... Enjoy :D

Аниме: Made in Abyss
Музыка: Sefa - Apocalypse

The Abyss

Комментарии: 15 |  Рейтинг: 3.053.05
Автор: Cerberus

Tunnel Vision 01.05.2020

Клип не рекомендуется к просмотру лицам до 18 лет (из-за насилия и обилия нецензурной лексики).

Hello everyone.
Finally after a long time I managed to finish a new AMV, I'm very excited to participate at this contest.
About the video i can't say to much i just have alot of fun making this AMV and listen to this crazy band during the journey. XD
I immagine that, not everybody will like this kind of music, but I hope with my video you will have more fun. :)
I'd like also to thanks RenaSun for her help during this work.
I hope you guys like it and thanks for watching.

Аниме: Devilman Crybaby
Музыка: Ghostemane - Mercury

Tunnel Vision

Комментарии: 30 |  Рейтинг: 3.213.21
Автор: cecco

I Love You 30.04.2020

Hi, nice to see you all again! This year I tried to make something different from what I usually do, by creating a more artistic rather than a typical drama video.
The concept is simple. Unrequited love mixed with femme fatale. In this amv I tried to show a man suffering from this cruel affection, to the extent where he couldn't see a world apart from this woman.
I hope you enjoy!

“Today I'll tell you a story about a man who drowned in the cold waters of the ocean, after having lost the one he loved. It's a story about the man who died twice.”

“Сегодня я расскажу вам историю о человеке утонувшем в холодных водах океана, после потери того, кого он любил. Эта история о человеке, который умер дважды.”

Картинка Making Of (~7.06 MB)

Аниме: 3-Gatsu no Lion, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Музыка: WOODKID - I Love You

I Love You

Комментарии: 41 |  Рейтинг: 4.144.14
Автор: Kenji

Orphanage 29.04.2020

Story is basically that the devil bear got into an orphanage and started to possess adults and kids just for fun, it wanted to control them to cause despair and traumas in all of them. His plan was to destroy everything and kill a kid, so he would remove the mind control to make the other kids suffer for what they have done with their own hands.

This is my first time participating in Big Contest and i'm so happy that I could finish my video.
Thanks a lot for watching!

Аниме: Danganronpa: The animation, The promised neverland
Музыка: Ruelle - Bad Dream


Комментарии: 23 |  Рейтинг: 3.493.49
Автор: kottai

Absolute 27.04.2020

Hey Yo!
Tht's my entry for Big Contest 2020. I had this idea in my mind for more than 1 year, when I first put together those 3 songs adding voices and sound effects but I only started when a friend of mine told me there was a newer series about ghost in the shell (yeah I don't watch several animes). I always loved the sound editing and creating a sort of my own song putting together those 3 allowed me to create the atmosphere I was looking for this story. As usual I spent a lot of time on this and I hope it worth it. Talking about the vid there is not much I would like to say since I honestly prefer you guys make your own idea on it, I tried to create a Sci-Fi Thriller mixing up several sources to create an "original" story, I know it's kinda long, but for those who know me, I guess you're used to it ^^.
Hope you guys like it, cya

Картинка Making Of (~4.14 MB)

Аниме: Arise:Ghost in the shell (movie and series), Halo Origins, Psycho Pass, God Eater, Ingress: The Animation, Original Animation
Музыка: Audiomachine - Deceit And Betrayal, Ninja Track - Pitch Black, Iconic Audio - Run Like Hell, Minette - Home, Leonardo Dalessandri - Watchtower of Turkey


Комментарии: 58 |  Рейтинг: 4.124.12
Автор: Kroner -AMV-

Love's Sorrow 26.04.2020

My second entry in the big contest 2020. The music that inspired me a lot and I found that the anime fits perfectly with the music. Might as well try its luck and show its evolution in video :)

Аниме: Violet evergarden, Amagi Brillant Park, ef - the first tale.ef - the latter tale, Dr Stone, Fireworks, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, gekijouban hakuouki ,D.C.III ~Da Capo III~ ,Assassins Pride, Dance with Devils, Silent Voice, Sword Art Online Alicization, Yagate Kimi ni Naru Kimi no, Suizo wo Tabetai, Evangelion 2.0, some parts of Rose Nebula AMV.
Музыка: AURORA - The Seed

Love's Sorrow

Комментарии: 36 |  Рейтинг: 3.793.79
Автор: Kuta

Recovery 22.04.2020

Попытка сделать драму.

Благодарю Sowlonya за бетатест и наших ребят - `ZeRo, Encruzio, RaZor за то что поддерживали меня все это время. Я не смог исправить все ошибки которые они сказали, но исправил все что мог (и хотел).

Аниме: Shigatsu wa kimi no uso, Mawaru Penguindrum. Hinamatsuri, Koe no Katachi, Kimi no Suizou o Tabetai, Lucy: The Eternity She Wished For (VN)
Музыка: 65daysofstatic - Music is Music as Devices are Kisses is Everything


Комментарии: 38 |  Рейтинг: 3.473.47
Автор: okhostok

Eiren 17.04.2020

Eiren is a story of regret, tragedy and escapism, but also a story of love and hope.

It tells the story of a young female lifeguard who is unable to save a drowning child and falls into a state of depression and regret. Her sad world starts to change after a male firefighter saves her from a burning building. With his help, she starts to lead a happy life again. However, she doesn't yet know that tragic fate is going to affect her life once more.

Аниме: Kimi to Nami ni Noretara
Музыка: Mokita - Colorblind


Комментарии: 24 |  Рейтинг: 4.044.04
Автор: Tommy-Dawg

Dopamine 14.04.2020

I'm really happy with the way this video turned out. When I first started editing it, I decided that I wanted it to be as jarring and off-putting as possible. My intention was for the video to make people so uncomfortable that they'd hate it, and even hate me for making it. And so the scene at 2:40 was actually the first thing I edited. But as I finished more of it, I decided that I still wanted the video to be well-edited, and so my new goal became to keep the video just as unsettling, but well-edited enough that people would be still forced to appreciate it even if they dislike the content. Based on the reviews that I got during the AWA P.R.O competition, I think I accomplished that goal pretty well :-)

Аниме: Happy Sugar Life
Музыка: OK Go - Obsession
Награды: AWA P.R.O 2019: Best Horror, PMX 2019: Best Drama, Anime Crossroads 2020: Best Horror


Комментарии: 6 |  Рейтинг: 3.623.62
Автор: kireblue

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