Index > Romance
The Chase of Time Together 17.05.2023

I use Movavi Editor 4 Mac version (Equivalent to 16 pc Version) to edit the video. I know I overdo it on the screenshots but even though I tell myself am going to do less it never happens. I decided to submit this as a second one because it was simple and even though I love how it was done when I open the document for the most part there was likely six cuts in the whole project even if there were timed well and very heavily use of the sailor Moon r opening. at least those problems existed when I wrote this description which was the day before Final edits but even though the base is still the same more detailed edits have occurred since then. A lot of the cuts are based off of the cyber 6 op in terms of the transformation choices and the running but i did put my spin on it. some of the transformations were not even 'found' until earlier this year. (that pinkish boot in 3d were from the 'English' pilot.)) I also added some romance scenes to fit the song nicer. this is probably will be one of my biggest attempt of romance which I am proud of and also doubles as a character study.

this is also the first video I use the background remover on purpose. (I did it on accident on a unsubmitted video from before I did contests and was never able to figure out how that happened until recently.) with the slow walking scenes involving a lot of layering. o techman blade was the rose petal on the black background.

if you are wondering why such a thing was made. I only vaguely remember making this amv. (I remember being called out for dinner when doing the queen scene though it was after the other sailor Moon ones were made.) but if I remember correctly I made this one as a spare just in case I cannot find or work out how to make a different video without the bars. (there was a point in which I did not know you could change the dimensions on the video editor as silly as that might sound.) and because the running scene look similar to the opening of the show the song came from. I also sometimes put other music on top of openings just to see but never to submit so it likely began as that which was likely where the base to expand this project came from. though weirdly enough this one might be more understandable than the main entry since I have did a few more cuts and made it my own and hopefully people will enjoy it along with my other complex video being submitted.

Аниме: Tekkaman Blade/Teknoman , Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon Crystal
Музыка: Coral Egan - Cybersix Opening (Deep in my Heart)

The Chase of Time Together

Comments: 5 |  Rating: 2.302.30
Author: Bean780

Path of Burdenful Remembrance 16.05.2023

I use Movavi Editor 4 Mac version (Equivalent to 16 pc Version) to edit the video. Before I begin i want to say that slightly heartwarming The way people figured out it was me doing the anon con. only slightly because having people figure out my identity during that competition was the opposite of the intentions but the fact people paid enough attention to my videos over the years to recognise it just from font is something on its self considering I do not have lots of awards or anything. (granted I do not understand how Verona Font is identifying which is why I did not think to change it (like I did the background of the credits) but still thoughtful.) now onto this video.

I decided to make a amv a personal look of looking at your self and your situation even when you feel you are at your lowest and finding where you stand in the world as you walk a straight line thinking about it all.
sometimes The path of getting through is a difficult one indeed with a lots and lots of burdens. definitely when you have to defence the World trying to find something and someones to care about again after The family you cared for deeply become a mockery of themselves, distorted/искаженный but recognisable as the past you try to and told to forget. and the light might just be the hope to get you to where you are you wish to end up.

there are many surprises along the way from both the people you come to know and a visitor of the 'same eyes'. (yep that's how they said in the the show.) sometimes the light is the the people that stay with you in the darkness after you lost what you cared for deeply (With the ones you care for in the past became something unrecognizable). as you remember the sacrifice of your father to save you and The path this character now takes to save the world from destruction wanting to forget the past. The past find him in both expected and unexpected ways and maybe he will save the world he cares for but at Great cost to his person. and in the end when you look back at all all you can just put your head down knowing "it's over at last" but wonder what did that Crystal give you The ability to finish it but the Crystal did take away the Brother you know. this is a story of remembrance and burden.

like I mentioned above this is also more of a personal character profile thing then a statement on anything. I decided to go to personal route rather than put all the action scenes I can find. I also try to make it accessible to people who did not watch the show but that proved to be a big challenge considering I chose this song based on two quotes was said in the song that were exactly said in the show. there is a little romance mixed in there but not The strongest area in there. I have a feeling I might visit the show again for another amv but through it all for some reason I just can not let this one go even though it was likely more trouble than it was worth.

they are 3 song titles listed, I will explain. in the darkness is the light is the main title. y'know is used for a connecting bridge in one of the verses during music editing. (for non-music people it basically means it makes a part of the song that was somewhere else originally and The thing that came after The thing that was cut off sound like all of it was always there.) pit vipers is whether 'this is what you make me feel line' came from and The 'end track' (more description on that would spoil anything).

in terms of the song choice the main reason I chose this song was that I actually heard quotes from the show (coincidentally of course) in the songs lyrics. a good chunk of the second verse actually also double as quotes. that is also why I have hard subs on this video in one Quick part.

I edited a line of this song basically removing it in the final chorus verse that was also in the 2 verse of the so weird TV show cut of the song (too then add other stuff in its place). I made quite a few drafts on how I would explain this here (Mostly for people who may click on this five years later rather then people who are reading now.) but I just decided that it is pretty self explanatory why a line that uses the word "surrender" was taken out.

I want to make it clear I thought hard on the subtitles thinking if soft subs would work but this is the only circumstances in which I am sure in that this single part is necessary for the concept of the video. (I will not make a habit of it.) this is because soft subs i made would not work in this case since I want the subtitles to be from the disc to be clear I did not make them but that both sources used the phrasing as it is being said in the song. (considering the slightly unusual phrasing choice that was not clarified later in the show from what I gather.) (The quote was not used in the English version (I am not sure if they used it in the Polish or Spanish but i did not check since I think they are based on the English script not Japanese.) or I would have use the audio.) I was considering another song that was going good (but was also found two days before my decision.) but a event that happened back in April (I went nearly blind (unable to read was able to see enough to walk around.) for about 15/20 minutes.)) luckily nothing like that has happened in the last few weeks. but made me realize that I had to finish it and I thought this was the nearest done.

I need to be very clear I have definitely edited the black bars extensively to make it palatable. anything that was from a DVD basically have to be edited to not have black bars. The Japanese disc ripped with lopsided on one side (The pond one I kept as is and the only exception since the cues were so elaborate). I have spent at least over 5 hours on cropping alone (no exaggeration 2/3 h on one day 3 h The next.) (they would likely be multiple times which I did not time in the middle as I was doing other stuff.) and on a Final touchup day about 2 weeks later The day before release after I wrote this whole thing up for 3h (8.30pm-11.30pm) I because I respect the preferences of the contest. but there are times where I considered that it could be more jarring to have two scenes be pictured differently in the middle of an action (like the hallway changing shape as they are walking.) I personally would say the the black bars are more jarring for a viewer but that would be against the contests preference. but I am not a miracle worker or a robot i can click the mouse slightly off or have something slightly unequal. I between 100 to 200 scenes manually (in which I dragged a corner of the square to fit the borders of the video for each cut even cuts in the same scene which is why some of the scenes might be missshaped in certain areas because they were cropped separate.) this is because I did it after I was done editing the video and The video editor is not even exact and other then the Final day when I already got rid of a lot of the extra clips which still kind of had a 5 second load (not every project has a load time but bigger ones do. I put stock ups at the end of my videos sometimes over 8 hours in length and has been used for many times which is why I keep doing it. (A three hour clip in the gallery is not that useful in my opinion with my work style).) 30 seconds per edit (when I timed it it was 28.9 seconds) but the autosave has saved me too this presentation crashing quite a few times to give a a fair perspective and I have a feeling it would still taken a long time to crop even if I did not have this auto save length. The poster was from the Tekkaman Blade laserdisc Disc 5 Front Cover Art. With a little Photoshop assistance to add Milly in.

Аниме: Tekkaman Blade/Teknoman, Go Lion, Heat Guy J
Музыка: Mackenzie Phillips - In the Darkness Is the Light, Sudou Akira-Y'know, Steve Larkins - Pit of Vipers

Path of Burdenful Remembrance

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 2.372.37
Author: Bean780

Northern Lights 15.05.2023

This is my video for Big Contest 2023. I aimed to create something wholesome, and I hope that I have succeeded. Making the full scene selection was a bit challenging with the source material, but I have been looking forward to making this video for a while, so I truly enjoyed editing it. Thank you for watching.

Картинка Making Of (~9.85 MB)

Аниме: A Place Further than the Universe, My Dress-Up Darling, Violet Evergarden, Revue Starlight, A Silent Voice
Музыка: Sabrina Carpenter - We'll Be the Stars
Награды: Лучший романтический или сентиментальный клип на конкурсе AMVNews: Big Contest 2023

Northern Lights

Comments: 17 |  Rating: 3.743.74
Author: FT

На Раз, Два. 30.04.2023

О данной работе мне особо писать нечего, кроме того, что это второй раз в жизни когда воспользовался PS для работы с клипом (первый раз было с "kimi no na wa"), так что я лучше выдам вам "предисловие ни к чему".
Около полу года назад, когда в воздухе прям началась ощущаться (да и до сих пор успешно витает) вот эта вот "неопределенность завтрашнего дня", я решился для себя на специфическое действие - собрать абсолютно все свои недоделанные проекты за все время (и те, что просто не публиковал) и выложить одним большим, никому ненужным видео. Забавна эта ситуация тем, что я думал что скорее всего в ближайшее время не выпущу никакую новую работу, но по воле случая, примерно спустя месяц после публикации "короткого метра" я начал работу над данной работой и в течении следующей недели уже был готов черновой вариант. Хоть само мв, лично по моему восприятию, было слишком приторным, тем не менее звучание припева мне пришлось по душе (уж очень я падок на такой звук). Так как я сам хоть и ощущал "неопределенность завтрашнего дня" , порадоксально, но данный клип не является рефлексией на эту тему - просто действительно так получилось, что именно в этот период времени мне попался этот трек из случайного плейлиста (который изначально я даже забраковал), а следующим вечером уже делал под него клип в виде "шутки" (рефлексия подростков на темы, которые для меня уже давно позади).
Так к чему же я все это рассказываю? Если вы "фанат/ценитель/любитель" моего творчеста и данная работу вам не понравилась, прыгайте на ютуб канал и смотрите там мою "короткометражку", может куски от туда вам принесут куда больше удовольствия (или даже скачайте полную версию по ссылке из описания, так как за пару песен ютуб не пропускал полную версию). Ну и конечно же то, без чего нельзя обойтись - желаю всем приятного просмотра!

Аниме: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Музыка: Owar1 - Раз,два

На Раз, Два.

Comments: 10 |  Rating: 3.323.32
Author: SteRD

Brave Shine 05.04.2023

Авторский превью-трейлер

Что, если бы верным врагом военного гения Райнхарда фон Лоэнграмма была женщина? Ян Вэньлин, с которой он дружил в детстве, была вынуждена бежать в Альянс, и друзья оказались надолго разлучены войной - пока не встретились на поле боя как враги.
Действие истории происходит после заключения мира. Райнхард и Вэньлин - союзники, а Альянс теперь Нойеланд, автономия в составе Империи. Но мир не всегда означает отсутствие проблем и счастливую жизнь.
P.S.: параллельно основной истории развивается линия воспоминаний героев о детстве и об утраченных юношеских иллюзиях.
P.P.S.: по сути это сонгфик, кадры подбирались под текст песни.

Аниме: Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These; Attack on Titan
Музыка: Aimer - "Brave Shine"

Brave Shine (LoGH Die Neue These & Attack on Titan)



Comments: 57 |  Rating: 3.273.27
Author: Gambetta

Sway 02.04.2023

Greetings! This is something that I always wanted to try editing AMV with multiple sources. Well. I hope you enjoy it!


Аниме: Komi Can’t Communicate ,Kimi No Nawa, Yofukashi no Uta , Code Geass, Hello World ,Shakugan no Shana ,Domestic Girlfriend Guilty Crown The World god only knows God eater 3 Link Click Charlotte Rei Ayanami Ad TSUKIHIME Remake Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song Jujutsu Kaisen FateGrand Order Babylonia Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO God Eater Bubble Dr Stone Ancient Magus Bride Spare me, great lord! Kizumonogatari I - Tekketsu-hen Kizumonogatari III Reiketsu-hen Bakemonogatari Fate Zero Honkai Impact Licores Recoil Weathering with you My Dress Up Darling Violet Garden Plastic Memories Evangelion - 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone Kizumonogatari I - Tekketsu-hen Proof of two Angel Beats Your Lie in April Angel next door spoils me Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie Hyouka Fireworks Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Kyoukai no Kanata Erased Ao Ashi FateGrand Order Babylonia Fate Grand Order Darling in Franxx Nier Automata Engage Kiss Garden of Words Blue Archive Cry Machina Puella Magi Madoka Magica Madoka Magica - Film 3, Rebellion
Музыка: Syn Cole - Sway


Comments: 18 |  Rating: 3.243.24
Author: darkfiretkd

It Will Pass 12.03.2023

Комментарий автора: You meet, spend time, and fall in love. Leaving those you once held dear does not diminish the worth of your time. But it will pass.

Anyway... that's my entry for TOS 2021, I really enjoyed the contest and its videos.
HF ^-^

Аниме: Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop
Музыка: Jacob Collier - Sleeping on my Dreams

It Will Pass

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.623.62
Author: Nude Penguin

Love Like Fools 05.03.2023

Комментарий автора: HELLO! IT IS A NEW VIDEO KIND OF. We actually finished this like years ago but never uploaded it because we are bad at remembering to upload. We had the same AMV idea, so we decided to work together on it, and I am really happy with the result. I loved working with Zero and am happy to finally release this to the world xD.

Аниме: Tsuki ga Kirei
Музыка: Lauren Aquilina - Fools

Love Like Fools

Comments: 3 |  Rating: 3.683.68

Animegraphy 2022 23.02.2023

Чтобы узнать какой аниме использован в каком кадре, рекомендуем использовать эти сервисы: и

Комментарий автора (перевод):
Здравствуйте, могу я занять 5 минут вашего времени, чтобы путешествовать со мной? Давненько я не пробовал разные материалы, а еще это первая ежегодная анимационная микстура. Общая атмосфера [милая-красивая-грустная-горящая-счастливая]
В течение двух ночей, когда у меня была высокая температура, мой разум был полон повторения великих линий человеческих существ, и вторая половина была направлена ​​на этот аспект, и это название, я надеюсь, что оно может дать вам силы!
Я также надеюсь, что каждый может попытаться увидеть конец как можно больше. Если вам это нравится, вы можете поставить лайк или оставить несколько шквал комментариев. Спасибо, что приняли нас в 2022 году, и мы будем работать вместе в 2023 году.

Аниме: Various
Музыка: Ed Sheeran - Shivers, Imagine Dragons - I'm so sorry, Starlyte - Titan, Audiomachine - Ode to Joy

Animegraphy 2022


Comments: 6 |  Rating: 3.853.85
Author: 傑傑菌

不再需要你 23.02.2023

This is one of my entries for Akross Con 2022
I tried to follow the meaning and atmosphere of the song, adding my interpretation. The moment I heard this song, I felt like I must edit with Hibike! "I no longer remind me of the vulnerability in my heart." This quote from the song, that works as its title, summarizes my feelings about this show: looking at the characters dealing with difficulties I could mirror myself. "But you used to be my only one after you chose to leave…my world is slowly withering into black and white" highlights the difficulty of missing someone very important in your life. Moreover I tried to focus on the most important and emotional scenes of the anime, the ones with Kumiko, Reina and Asuka. Special thanks to TaAZ for the fantastic thumbnail ;3 I hope you'll enjoy it, thanks for your time (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Аниме: Hibike! Euphonium
Музыка: h3R3 - 不再需要你
Награды: 2nd place Drama AKROSS Con 2022


Comments: 5 |  Rating: 3.623.62
Author: TakeshiAMV

L'anima si svuota 19.02.2023

This is a Secret Santa I did 3 months ago for xmissleti92x. I watched the entire series of Kodocha to prepare this video, it took a while since it's 102 episodes but it was worth it, I loved it :'3 The video is focused on the main characters relationships. Thanks for watching.

Аниме: Kodomo no Omocha
Музыка: Mango - Un'altra acqua

L'anima si svuota

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.233.23
Author: TakeshiAMV

You & Me 17.02.2023

Клип участник конкурса AMV FRANCE: Level Up 2022.

Про: lokkiclu
Новайс: DaWaitNiggi

Аниме: Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi, others
Музыка: Disclosure - You & Me
Награды: 1-ое место в AMV FRANCE: Level Up 2022.

You & Me

Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.353.35
Author: DaWaitNiggi

Ghost of love 16.02.2023

Желание холодным зимним днем залить этот клип оказалось сильнее меня, и оно стало еще сильней после просмотра аниме. Больше добавить нечего, надеюсь, многим понравится)

Описание автора: Немного кошкодевочек для работяг

Аниме: Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu
Музыка: Blackbear - Me & Ur Ghost

Ghost of love

Comments: 4 |  Rating: 3.713.71
Author: `ZeRo

Divine Lights 14.02.2023

Комментарий автора (Shin'): Yoop! Hello guys! This is my first video of the year and this time I participate in ARAM Contest 2023 with the GOATS from Team 1 @Syeroz @kalinkamv1579 @fernix2406 @AnthoMV @krishna8121 for a week, I'm proud of this project and with the result, we work a lot but we had a lot of fun editing, big thanks to @Syeroz bcs his works as a Team Leader!

If you're looking for a great romance/drama video, then you need to watch this! Divine Lights has pulled off a fantastic style, The Aurora Borealis it's here!

And without further dilation, here we go [MEP] Divine Lights from Team 1, we hope that you enjoy it!

Аниме: Various
Музыка: SLANDER, Said The Sky & Alison Wonderland - Picture

Divine Lights

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.603.60
Author: Syeroz, Kalink, Krishna (+3)

Heartwarming 04.02.2023

Клип участник конкурса AKROSS Con 2022

При просмотре клипа, я вошёл в некий транс. Очень приятно было чувствовать это.

Аниме: Kimi ni Todoke
Музыка: Sleeping at Last - Two


Comments: 2 |  Rating: 3.573.57

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