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Spirit of Masters (������ ��� ������)

A tribute to a great character from a great series. My first try in years on non-Anime footage. The new "Clone Wars" TV-Series may not be flawless but i love it mainly for 2 reasons: Ahsoka Tano and the epic battles. It also improves a lot on the Clone Wars movie so try to give it a chance. If this video doesn't get you interested in it i did my job wrong.

I have no skills in russian language but google will do the job for me so write in any language that pleases you. Enjoy!

Аниме: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Музыка: Two Steps From Hell - Heart Of Courage

Spirit of Masters

Spirit of Masters

Spirit of Masters

Spirit of Masters

Spirit of Masters

Spirit of Masters

Spirit of Masters

Spirit of Masters

Author Cenit
Page of AMV
Creation date 25.06.2011

Cenit | 26.06.2011 16:48