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Moment of Kindness ( )

A human being can only endure so much before your mental health breaks down... stop... blackout...


no matter how hard life can be
a random moment of kindness
can make someone's life better

WataMote is a very very awkward anime, with alot of awkward moments. There are so many of those moments that I personally could relate to at leaset one awkward moment in each episode. Things that happened to me too. I saw alot of funny videos about this anime in the past, but as I started watching it... it wasn't fun. It was something very real,
but it was shown in a neutral environment. I've been trying to give "random moments of kindness" to random people for years now, and even if I don't get a "thanks" or some kind of "reward" I know deep down in my heart that it helps.
ps:(The Thumbnail was inspired by Banksy)

Аниме: WataMote
Музыка: Linkin Park - Blackout

Moment of Kindness

Moment of Kindness

Moment of Kindness

Moment of Kindness

Moment of Kindness

Moment of Kindness

Author Arcothy B3stEck
Creation date 07.04.2021
Version 0

Arcothy B3stEck | 09.04.2021 00:52