AMV - Videos


Closer ( )

Комментарий автора: Unlike many of my other videos I sat down and fabricated this one (as opposed to it being some idea that just came to me.) I wanted to do a Key the Metal Idol video to something industrial, electronic, or harsh sounding.

When I began thinking that Closer might be a good song I began watching NIN's own video for it and thought it would be fun to try to reproduce it with anime. So I copied it's old film style, lense chanage transitions, etc.

I didn't fully realize until a while after I made the video how much it was about me at the time. At the time I was working for the University of Pittsburgh department of Neurobiology. They did animal research - something I am strongly opposed to. I have no idea how my morals slipped or who in the name of God I would up working there, but every day was pure tourture for me knowing I was assisting these people in their evil deeds. I felt like a cold tool being used and controled by them ... the same feeling and theme that you find in this video.

I really try not to toot my own horn, but I am very proud of this video and think it is quite well done and unique.

Аниме: Key The Metal Idol
Музыка: Nine Inch Nails - Closer







Author Aluminum Studios
Creation date 20.09.2001

kyle_m | 13.02.2012 07:43