AMV - Videos

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Wanna be in LA (������ ��� ������)

Клип участник конкурса AMVNews: Big Contest 2010

Комментарий автора: My modest contribution to the Big Contest 2010. I tried to make a differetn video on Black Lagoon by using non action scenes. I wanted to stick to the music's atmosphere which really reminds me of the 80's. That's why I edited it very simply, with very few effetcs, and thos I used are very kitsch (And I really restrained myself compared to the official videoclip XD) I hope at least some of you will appreciate this little "just for fun" AMV. ^^

Аниме: Black Lagoon
Музыка: Eagles of Deathmetal - Wanna be in LA

Wanna be in LA

Wanna be in LA

Wanna be in LA

Wanna be in LA

Wanna be in LA

Wanna be in LA

Resolution: 720x480
Video codec: H264
Audio codec: AAC
Audio bitrate: 128 Kpbs
Duration: 2min15s

Author Gilou_senior
Creation date 22.03.2010

Gilou_senior | 29.03.2010 11:49