
Exam videos
New videos Sans Titre Monday, 11 July 2016

Author's comment: Yo, this is my entrie for JE16, ~1 year of work, much pain, very roto, very drugs. I hope you'll like it.

I'll do a video making of "soon" so stay tune (end of july, begin of august). I don't want to write all the shit i got in my mind, too damn long.

Author: Cmoididi
Anime: Mix
Music: Shaka ponk - Palabra mi amor, Schoolboy Q - Hell of a night, ASAP Rocky - LSD, T.I. ft. Iggy Azalea - No Mediocre (Grandtheft + Migos Remix), MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - THRIFT SHOP FEAT. WANZ, Justice - Helix
Awards: 2 место и Приз зрительских симпатий на Japan Expo 2016

Sans Titre


New videos Downfall: Aeternum Sunday, 10 July 2016

Author's comment: I thought I was falling down, but realized I was raising myself. This is the end of the Downfall trilogy. Thanks everyone.

Author: diegao94
Anime: Fate/Stay Night
Music: Red - The Ever, Red - Wasting Time

Downfall: Aeternum


New videos Machine Saturday, 09 July 2016

Author's comment: This is the video I did for the second round of AMV Roulette I did in about 2 1/2 - 3 days. Nothing much else to it besides it was fun to edit and play with the sync xP. How it works is a wheel is spun and it picks an AMV genre, a song genre, and a challenge. The AMV genre was drama, the song was electronic, and the challenge was 10 seconds of dragons.

Author: Xophilarus
Anime: NANA
Music: Halsey - Gasoline



New videos 和谐世界 Harmony Thursday, 07 July 2016

我觉得这么不错的动画必须安利给大家。(我是冷番正义的伙伴~被打~ 剪辑尽量避免了剧透,也尝试了一些抽象手法,希望大家会喜欢。原档下载见评论区,谢谢喵^^

Harmony, trying my best to do an music video cover without spoiling too much story. Feel free to leave your comment, and thanks for watching.

Author: MapleMAD
Anime: Harmony
Music: Fleurie - Breathe

【伊藤计划/AMV】和谐世界 Harmony


New videos Magnetic Satellite Tuesday, 05 July 2016

Комментарий автора: "Elements and Emotions"
I chose AIR as my element for this round. From the translator's notes this song is about how love is comparable to gravitational force. Love is everywhere on the earth just like air is. This song gives me a bit more confidence since it's very ambitious to accomplish goals. The girl in this music video shows that she wants to tell her feelings to her crush and she won't give up until she does. Love can be very powerful just like air can be to all of us. Without them both we wouldn't be who we are today (we would be dead without air though haha).

Author: mozuya
Anime: Original animation
Music: tilt six - ヒカレルサテライト (Magnetic Satellite)

ヒカレルサテライト // Magnetic Satellite


Contests Skirmish & Slots #5: The GodStitcher (Demonstratio Tuesday, 05 July 2016

Date Video title Video page
14.07.2016 Price Of Purity Link
12.07.2016 The city nobody lived in / Happy past Link
11.07.2016 Drowned Link
10.07.2016 F45T3R Link
09.07.2016 Your waifu isn't real Link
08.07.2016 Ochen Mrachny Titan Odinochestva Link
07.07.2016 Kal Gate Link
06.07.2016 Heart in White Link
05.07.2016 Prophecy Link

Contests Big Contest Anthology [2008 - 2016] Monday, 04 July 2016

We've made a special video consisting of selected Big Contest entries from various years. It might be interesting for those who missed the previous installments of Big Contest - and for those who'd like to get nostalgic for past times. Enjoy!


Site news Best of Exam section (June 2016) Sunday, 03 July 2016

David Heli - Blue Fire

RadicalDreamer - Pills

Allegoriest - Evil Eye

Shui - Tanz

Lightning Arrow, Lucifer@MV, Spike, Noble, Eazy - Crossing Over

kurosaki D, reyzen - One Time

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 45
Average rating: 2.92
Number of comments: 175 (~3.9 comments per video)
Number of votes: 958 (~21.3 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 4 (~8 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Girls und Panzer: Fury Road Saturday, 02 July 2016

Author's comment: Girls und Panzer and Mad Max Fury Road parody trailer. After watching Girls und Panzer der Film, the only film I can give it some comparison was Mad Max: Fury Road. So why not combine the two into one parody video trailer as something to practice with.

Author: Marcelo Hector Palileo
Anime: Girls und Panzer
Music: Mad Max Fury Road trailer

Girls und Panzer: Fury Road


New videos Vex Thursday, 30 June 2016

Author's comment: Made for round 2 of AMV Roulette 2016. Yeah, I know it's not really a proper drama video but I was in a mood that week and this song was way more fun to edit with than my original idea.

Author: Copycat_Revolver
Anime: Escaflowne - The Movie
Music: Major Lazer - Lean On



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